Welcome to CodeWarrior Documentation!


I don't want to read this note, I want information fast!

Read the Release Notes for the various products! Some information in the documentation may not be accurate because of last minute changes to CodeWarrior. Refer to the Release Notes folder for this last minute information.

The QuickStart guide in the root folder of your CodeWarrior CD-ROM disk will get you started. This on-line version has the latest information. New users and users who have purchased an update also get a printed version of this guide.

I'm new at this, where do I go first?

If you are new to programming, look in the Documentation/Books folder for a wide selection of helpful books in electronic format. If you find one you like, you'll probably want a real paper copy of the book, it's a lot easier to read and refer to as you learn.

If you are new to CodeWarrior, check out these manuals.

  • QuickStart - contains registration, installation, and updating information.
  • CodeWarrior Online Help - contains all of the CodeWarrior documentation as well as a "How do I..." task-based answer system and glossary. Access it using the Help menu within the CodeWarrior IDE.
  • CodeWarrior Core Tutorials - Acrobat files in slide-show format that walk you through the entire IDE, as well as giving you a hands-on look at the Project Manager, source-code Editor, and Debugger. More tutorials are planned for the future.
  • Porting Guide - helps reduce frustration as you port your programming project from other development environments to CodeWarrior. This manual offers tips, hints, and guidelines for C, C++, Pascal, UNIX, MPW, Turbo, and THINK programmers.


Which documentation viewer do I use?

See the About Doc Formats file for full information on the formats and viewers available to you for on-line interactive use, and for printing your own copy of the manuals.

What's new and different?

All the documentation has been revised to reflect the many new features of CodeWarrior. However, within this constantly evolving universe of words, there are some highlights worth special notice.
  • The IDE User Guide has been expanded to include the old Debugger User Guide. This makes it much easier to locate the information you need in order to accomplish your programming tasks. In addition, the new visual rapid application development (RAD) information has been added as well.
  • The online help has been re-organized and expanded with new topics to make it easier to locate the information you need now! This release introduces our Core Help System, a set of predefined help that will be present on all CodeWarrior products in the future.
  • Look for the new CodeWarrior Documentation section on the Metrowerks website to appear soon (scheduled for appearance in late June 1999). We'll soon be posting ALL of our CodeWarrior documentation to the web in PDF format for easy downloading.

I want paper manuals!

All relevant CodeWarrior documentation for your product is available in electronic format on the CodeWarrior CD. However, Metrowerks publishes much of its documentation in printed form. These manuals include:
  • Inside CodeWarrior: Core Tools (Win | Mac | UNIX)
    • IDE User Guide (includes IDE, Debugger, and RAD information)
  • Inside CodeWarrior: C/C++ Tools (Win | Mac | UNIX)
    • C Compilers Reference
    • MSL C Reference (C and Java)
  • Inside CodeWarrior: Targeting Windows (Win)
    • Targeting Windows (Win95/98/NT)
    • Windows Resource Editor
  • Inside CodeWarrior: Targeting Mac OS (Mac)
    • Targeting Mac OS
    • ZoneRanger User Guide
  • Inside CodeWarrior: Targeting the Java VM (Win | Mac | Solaris|)
    • Targeting the Java VM
  • Inside CodeWarrior: PowerPlant Essentials
    • The PowerPlant Book
    • PowerPlant Advanced Topics
  • Inside CodeWarrior: PowerPlant Reference
    • PowerPlant Reference
  • Inside CodeWarrior: Pascal Tools (Win | Mac)
    • Pascal Compilers Reference
    • Pascal Library Reference
    • Pascal Language Reference

Visit the Geekware website at: http://www.metrowerks.com/geekware/books/ for ordering information.

Help! I can't find what I'm looking for.

Contact Metrowerks Technical Support (cw_cw_support@metrowerks.com). E-mail forms for reporting bugs, questions, and suggestions are in the Release Notes folder.


  • For CodeWarrior for Windows 95/98/NT issues, read or post questions to: comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.tools.misc
  • For CodeWarrior for Mac OS issues, read or post questions to: comp.sys.mac.programmer.codewarrior
  • For Java related issues, read or post questions to: comp.lang.java
  • For PowerPlant related issues, read or post questions to: comp.sys.mac.oop.powerplant

Metrowerks tech support monitors these and other newsgroups closely.

Members of the Metrowerks Publishing Group

Metrowerks has a truly remarkable team of people who work hard to make it all seem clear. The documentation team members devoted to your satisfaction are:
  • Caresse Bennett
  • David Blache
  • Carl Constantine
  • Chul (Chuck) Kim
  • Ron Liechty
  • Chris Magnuson
  • Roopa Malavally
  • Todd McDaniel
  • Marc Paquette
  • John Roseborough
  • Derek Saldana
  • Stephanie Tucker
  • Roger Wong
  • and me, L. Frank Turovich

I am proud of this team, and of the top-notch documentation we produce for you. If you have comments, complaints, or suggestions about the documentation, you can reach me by e-mail at: wordwarrior@metrowerks.com

I want to help you get the most out of CodeWarrior. Let me know what we've done right, and what you'd like to see done better.

L. Frank Turovich
Publishing Group Manager
Jun 1, 1999

Copyright ©1999 Metrowerks, Corp. All rights reserved.